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What is Dog Shedding & How Can It Be Perfectly Managed?

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If you have been worried about your dog’s hair shedding, then don’t because this is a perfectly normal process. Dogs often shed off their fur due to different reasons, and usually, there is nothing to worry about until the shedding process increases significantly from its usual amount.

Although there is nothing to be worried about 90% of the time, it is always important to keep an open mind just in case. A dog deshedding tool is very common to people with dogs that shed more often than others.

Before taking any action, it is essential that you figure out whether your dog’s shedding is normal or not. After that, you are in a better position to take the best possible action.

What is Dog Shedding?

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Simply put, dog shedding is the natural discarding of excess damaged hair. According to a study conducted recently; paying attention to your dog shedding frequency comes a long way in determining whether it’s natural or promoted by a particular health condition.

Depending on the dog’s fur, the shedding might occur in seasons or regularly. Grooming is mainly the most effective way in which you can control and manage your dog’s shedding.

With a quality deshedding brush, you will have no problems with having dog hair all over your couch and carpet which is utterly frustrating.

What Leads to Excessive Dog Shedding?

You might be wondering what has led to an increase in your dog’s shedding frequency over the past few days or weeks. Well, you are not wrong because apart from damaged hair, there are a few other reasons that might be the culprit.

Some of these reasons are allergic reactions, parasites, the reaction from certain medications, infections, pregnancy, cancer, excessive licking, sunburns, immune diseases and many more.

There are specific ways in which you can deal with each problem as soon as you know exactly what it is. More often than not, a deshedding shampoo usually takes care of these problems especially when it comes to parasites and excessive licking.

How Can You Manage Excessive Dog Shedding?

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The first action to take should be taking your dog to a vet for them to determine the exact reason why it is shedding its far so much. The main reason for this action is to ensure that you do not assume anything and end up letting your dog suffer from a debilitating condition that could have been solved with one visit.

After pinpointing the problem, then finding a solution becomes easier for you and useful for your dog. The best way to manage your dogs shedding fur is to look for the perfect de-shedding tool.

Well, apart from using this tool in the management of your dog’s excessive hair, there are other ways in which you can effectively use to keep the fur at a minimum.

Although changes are expected, continually managing the hair by whatever means you choose, goes a long way in maintaining the fur to a certain size.

Other ways include trimming the hair depending on how frequent it sheds and how long it is. Bathing the dog more often than you usually do can also work wonders in reducing the shedding hair.

A good de-shedding tool may also comprise a few things that you might use to clip the hair to reduce it. You want your dog to stop shedding excess hair while still leaving a comfortable amount of fur on it.


Shedding is very healthy but when it gets to a point where you become worried, then its time to do something about it. It is vital that you use a de-shedding tool that will not be uncomfortable for your pup’s skin or cause any injuries after.